A Little About Me

For me, one of life's best experiences is diving deep into a challenging problem with a talented team where I can experiment with creative solutions and learn new skills. Luckily for me, software development in an agile environment provides plenty of opportunities for those kinds of experiences.

I currently work at Viasat as a software engineer in the great city of Boston, MA. There I do a bit of everything from building application infrastructure with AWS to designing and creating monitoring tool leveraging new technologies like Elasticsearch/Kibana.

I currently work at Viasat as a software engineer in the great city of Boston, MA. Previously, I did research the in the Computer Graphics Lab at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. There I developed a novel online architectural sketching interface for daylighting simulation. I graduated with my Master's degree from RPI shortly after in 2016.

Overall, I just really enjoy the difficulties and combined efforts that come with developing software and tackling challenging problems.

If you are looking for my resume you can find it here.

Get In Touch

max.j.espinoza at gmail dot com

